Carrots, something that people, "Ewwwwwww!"

Few weeks ago, I asked my friend to buy a packet of Carrot and Starfruit for me since she's going to replenish food for our office pantry. She gave me a "huh" look, and asked me who eats raw carrot in this office. So, I told her I eat raw carrots.

And, everyone look at me like,

That's right. Carrot has become my snack. So, whenever I am hungry and wanted to munch something. I will cut 2 pieces of carrots and a piece of starfruit beside my working desk. You will see a huge effect within a day and you'll be surprised.

We, SWO encourage our readers and clients to eat 2 carrots a day, together with our vinegar products such as B12, HT, T-Vinegar, CP, Asu etc.

First thing first, why we encourage our clients and readers to eat 2 carrots a day? Because it contains high vitamin A ( also known as Beta Carotene / Carotenoids )

What is Beta Carotene?
Beta Carotene is a carotenoids. It is a type of pigment and it provides vibrant color to plants - fruits and vegetables. It also act as an anti-oxidant and also able to convert to Vitamin A once ingested.

  1. It helps to improves vision
    - Vitamin A which is converted in the liver, will then transformed in the retina to rhodopsin which is necessary for night vision.
    - It also protects against Macular Degeneration and also Senile Cataract.
    Fact: People who consumes large amount of beta-carotene will face a lower risk of getting                  Macular Degeneration compare to those who consumes little.
  2. It helps to prevent cancer
    - Reduce the risk of getting lung cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer
    - It also helps to prevent infection on wounds and cuts
    Fact: Falcarinol is a natural pesticides in order to protect against from fungal diseases.
  3. Act as anti- oxidant
    - It neutralizes free radical and slows down aging of cells.
    Fact: Deactivating reactive oxygen species to human health, to prevent diseases such as cancer and coronary heart diseases.
  4. Promotes healthier skin
    - It protects the skin from sun damage due to Vitamin A and Anti-oxidant
    - It also prevents premature wrinkling, acne, dry skin, pigmentation, blemishes and uneven skin tone.
    Fact: Deficiency in Vitamin A will lead to dry skin, hair and nails.
  5. Prevents heart disease
    - Helps to lower the risk of heart disease
    - Reduces cholesterol level as soluble fibers are bind with the bile duct
    Fact: Besides Beta- Carotene, carrot also contains alpha-carotene and lutein.
  6. Detox body
    - Helps the liver to flush out toxins from the body
    - Reduces the bile and fat in the liver
    Fact: Carrot fibers help to cleanse the colon and hasten the waste movement from the body.
  7. Protects gum and teeth
    -Cleans the teeth and gum by scraping off plaque and food particles like toothbrush
    - Prevents tooth damage by balancing acid-forming and cavity-forming bacteria.
    -Helps to stimulate gum and saliva gland.
  8. Prevent stroke
  9. Lower blood pressure
    - Minerals found in carrot are able to relax the tension or blood vessels and arteries.
    - Coumarin found in carrots are able to reduce hypertension.
  10. Strengthen body immune system
    - Act as an anti-septic and anti-bacterial to boost the immune system
    - Stimulates the activity of white blood cells

Well of course, I did the experiment as well.
Like what I told, I eat 2 carrots, 1 starfruit and together with HT Vinegar.
I was amazed by the outcomes.

So, here is my testimony, with 2 carrots + HT Vinegar + Starfruit  To be honest, I am able to focus on my work without feeling tired and exhausted for the whole day. My mind is very alert and it helps to increase my work productivity and efficiency. Besides that, it also stimulates my bowel movement and I able to go to the toilet 3 times a day as it helps to cleanse what was inside. That came to my surprised, actually. Definitely, you will not feel hungry at all. Together with the starfruit, it actually helps to stimulate my bladder. 

What are you waiting for?
Quickly try this healthy snacks during at home or office. People who has under active bladder and severe constipation is recommended to try this snack recipe for a month. You can try it without vinegar, but drink plenty of water.

If you want to know more about HT Vinegar, or any vinegar products, do not hesitate to contact me at
Give us a feedback once you try this snack recipe and see the effects. We would like to hear from you! 

Rekindling Passion Towards Mankind

Your lifestyle solution provider.

SWO Malaysia

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